Wednesday, 19 November 2014

Paul Herman director of RedEye - 19/11/14

RedEye is a Manchester based company which is a no profit organisation that helps entry level photographers to build networks across the photography community. Their website is:
RedEye gives photographers a chance to find clients and get their work out there, RedEye also works a long side other organisations.

RedEye gives people a chance to find out more about their organisation by setting up events where speakers such as Paul Herman can tell a group of people about what the organisation does. Lightbox is a program run by RedEye where young photographers have graduated with a degree can join. Within this program, people can learn about personal branding and marketing, this helps photographers advertise their photography and have their name well known. It also gives them the chance to exhibit their photographs with the help of RedEye.

Redeye also sponsors Look Festival 13 which is held May 2015 in Liverpool. Look Festival is a photography festival, it lasts for four weeks and includes exhibitions, events, photography talks, workshops and more.

To volunteer at RedEye , you can contact Cheryl, her email address is:

To learn or get help with writing and blogging you can contact Jo, her email address is:

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