Wednesday, 1 October 2014


Within this project, I will be constantly setting myself goals which will expand my skills in chosen areas which I don't feel very confident in. I will also pus my boundaries to gain experience and produce images for my portfolio. My dream job for when I finish university is to be a photographer on a cruise ship for a year, after that I will turn to artistic fashion photography and event photography. Therefore my portfolio is going to be aimed towards these goals, this is also a chance to gain experience within these themes.

This project is also a chance to apply to different jobs, which will improve my skills on job searching. After this project, I will know how to search for photography jobs and what websites are the best for doing this. This project will also help me get my portfolio together to a professional standard for upcoming jobs. I will also make a digital profile, which will help me market and advertise myself. The website my digital profile will be made on is called CreativeHive, this has step by step guides on how to make a great online portfolio, this will help me prepare for the future when I come to making websites. I will also be creative a CV and cover letter which will be aimed at applying for a job. Making a photography CV will help me for the future as I will now have one to show anyone who asks for it, it will also be up to professional standards which will put me ahead of anyone who does not have a CV or portfolio ready.

The module outcomes are:

-On successful completion of this module students will be able to:

-Demonstrate an understanding of professional photo practice and the issues affecting the development of business and enterprise environments

-Engage in structured reflective practice and the critical evaluation of their own work

-Engage in the identification of personal and career aspirations, with regard for their own limitations in knowledge and skills

-Demonstrate the application of appropriate and effective communication techniques via the compilation of a portfolio of work to a basic professional standard

Identify local and national resources related to photography

These will all be achieved by the end of the module as long as I do what I have described. 

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