Even though my portfolio shows a variety of portraits, and I have applied to the Manchester dogs home, my portfolio is aimed at getting my dream job as a photographer on a cruise ship. Although this portfolio shows a range of skills which I could apply to taking photo's of dogs, I am going for the job at Manchester dogs home so I can gain experience.
Within this project, I have come up against problems but have solved these situations. The main problem I had was with creativehive, as I couldn't get my images to show up on the slide show. Therefore I embedded a slide show which previews my flickr uploads, the photos which I was going to upload on the creativehive slide show were uploaded to flickr instead so they would show up on the flickr slideshow. All images which I have included in my portfolio are in the slide show, as these images are my best work and are images which is relevant to the type of photography that I am interested in. Although I have a flickr slide show, I felt that it was important to have my images shown on the creativehive slide show, just incase anything went wrong with the flickr code so people couldn't see it. Therefore I tweeted the owner of creativehive and told him my problem, he fixed it and I can now have my images on the slide show.
The digital profile has a brief explanation of who I am and what I do, there is also a blog entry which expands on this that people can choose to look at. It has links to all my social networks and a page on how to contact me with my email, therefore it is easy for people to get in contact with me if they need to. It also shows a variety of my images so people don't just have to look at my portfolio images, if they wanted to see more. The profile includes a picture of me and my camera so straight away people will know what I do without even readying about me, they can also see what I look like. The profile is also clean and tidy so it is not to hard to navigate around, this in my opinion is up to a professional standard.
I feel that my portfolio came out better than what I expected, I feel I have the right photos in there for the types of photography that I want to do. It also shows a range of different skills which was important for me to show off as it is aimed at getting a job on a cruise ship. I also feel that I have ordered my images correctly, as the starting image draws you in, and the ending images almost says a gentle goodbye. I have also separated similar things so it doesn't seem repetitive. The prints are all good quality and matched to the colours that I saw on my screen whilst editing. All the prints are in protective sleeves to keep them from being damaged, they also add a shine to the prints.
I feel that my CV and cover letter are professionally written and are appealing to read, especially the use of illustrations on the CV. The use of colour has also made my CV appealing to look at, this will make it stand out from the crowd therefore I may be picked for a job over other people. With the images on my CV, they are seeing some of my images before I have even showed them my portfolio, this way they can decided if they like what I have to offer. My cover letter was also professionally written with the correct placement of the addresses and names, this will show that I am professional.
Overall this project has given me a variety of new skills which I can apply to jobs outside of university and projects within university. I have set myself challenges and have surprised myself in way that I thought I couldn't have done. I have managed to create more images for my portfolio and now have a professional body of work which I can show to future opportunities.
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